
The Flying Without Fear Courses

Session One

"Why do I react this way when others are OK with flying?"

We evaluate fears, phobias, anxieties, the autonomic nervous system, personality, the importance of information sources, feelings, and most importantly, learning the art of relaxation.

Session Two

"How do I learn to stop these panic feelings and relax?"

There are four hyper reactions to flying ( hypersensitivity, hypervigilance, hypercriticism and hyperventilation) which get in the way of being comfortable. You will learn to combat these by understanding the principles of flight, how an aircraft flies, what is air, what is lift, what is movement ( or turbulence) . Is this natural?

Session Three

Reducing the complexity with knowledge

We continue with the " movement" issues of flying, and also cover the topics of weather, sitting properly, navigation, understanding the noises and smells in a normal flight, engineering, and how the scheduled maintainence occurs.

Session Four

Getting it right

This session focuses on making the next flight more comfortable. We discuss stress and perfectionism, work through being " less controlled – more in command" " . How do you plan a flight better? What to wear, what to eat, hydration and entertainment on board are all covered.


An orientation trip around the airport is often included, to increase the familiarity of the environment, and depending on the location, the check- in areas and engineering are included where possible.

Course Locations:

  • Auckland
  • Wellington
  • Christchurch
  • Hamilton
  • Dunedin
  • Napier
  • Nelson
  • New Plymouth
